This sentence equivalence question deals with the use of the word "Recluse" and words that would relate to the same. Use the detailed solution provided below to understand the thought process behind answering this question.
Question 5: Coetzee is known to be reclusive, and he __________ publicity to such an extent that he did not collect either of his two Booker Prizes in person.
Meanings for the words given in this question are provided in the table. Before going through the detailed explanation, check whether you are able to arrive at the answer after knowing meanings for the words.
S No. | Word | Meaning |
1 | Welcomes | Invites |
2 | Avoids | To prevent or keep away from. |
3 | Courts | To try to win the attention or goodwill of someone |
4 | Shuns | To keep away from something. To avoid |
5 | Gathers | Collects |
6 | Tries | To experiment with |
This is a simple sentence which presents a blank before the word “publicity”. Coetzee is known to be reclusive, and a reclusive person is solitary and keeps to himself/herself. How would such a person react to being in the spotlight? A shy person would not want to be in the spotlight. So, Coetzee shuns or avoids publicity. This rules out the words welcomes, courts, gathers and tries. This leaves us with options B and D. The Correct Answer is B and D.
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