GRE® Verbal Practice | Sentence Equivalence Q15

GRE Sample Questions | Lucrative or Burgeoning?

This GRE verbal practice question is a sentence equivalence question that focuses on words that describe growth, in particular growth in opportunities. Try the question without looking at the answer explanation. If you face difficulty in arriving at the correct answer, take help from the detailed explanation provided below.

Question 15: Neuroscience and artificial intelligence are _________ fields that promise immense opportunities for teaching and employment for today's graduates.

  1. lucrative
  2. profitable
  3. burgeoning
  4. escalating
  5. increasing
  6. expanding

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Explanatory Answer

Meanings for the words given in this question are provided in the table. Before going through the detailed explanation, check whether you are able to arrive at the answer after knowing meanings for the words.

S No. Word Meaning
1 lucrative profitable. Rewarding with a lot of money
2 profitable rewarding financially
3 burgeoning increasing in scope or extent
4 escalating increasing in scope or extent
5 increasing gaining in number or value
6 expanding gaining size and extent. Increasing

This is another sentence which tests your knowledge of the shades of meanings of various words. Neuroscience and artificial intelligence are fields which will have a lot of opportunities in the future. This is because they are increasing in scope and size. These are expanding or burgeoning fields. Answer options C and F.

Answer options A and B are not correct because they describe how much money can be made in that field. The sentence doesn't talk about money; it talks about the size and scope of the field. “escalating” and “increasing” are incorrect because a “Field” cannot be described using these words.

Choices C & F are the correct answers.

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