This sentence equivalence question focuses on words equivalents that describe concepts that are not easily understood. Try the question without looking at the answer explanation. If you face difficulty in arriving at the correct answer, take help from the detailed explanation provided below.
Question 14: Even a century after its discovery, Quantum Theory remains a/an __________ subject and only a few have managed to really understand it.
Meanings for the words given in this question are provided in the table. Before going through the detailed explanation, check whether you are able to arrive at the answer after knowing meanings for the words.
S No. | Word | Meaning |
1 | arcane | known only to a few people |
2 | lucid | clear and transparent. Easy to understand |
3 | transparent | clear. Easy to understand |
4 | inane | insignificant. Empty |
5 | enigmatic | mysterious |
6 | exacting | requiring precision and attention to detail |
The key word here is “even”. It has been a century since the Quantum Theory was discovered. One would expect that it is a well-known theory by now. But the word “even” indicates that this is not the case. Even a century after it was discovered, only a few people understand it. This means that Quantum Theory is not a very commonly understood theory. Answers A and E describe the Quantum Theory perfectly in this context.
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