About a fourth of the questions that appear in the GRE verbal section are sentence equivalence questions. Improve your word power and you will be able to ace GRE Sentence Equivalence questions.
Although the Industrial revolution brought about a raft of new techniques in the area of machine design, the methods used for the printing and binding of books continued ___________ till the early years of the 20th century.
The ___________ tone and appealing image of American Rock and Roll and blues musicians became popular with British youth in the late 1950s.
Fellow journalists Eric Sevareid, Ed Bliss and Alexander Kendrick considered Murrow one of journalism's greatest figures, noting his honesty and ___________ in delivering the news.
His writing of "Common Sense" was so influential in ___________ the Revolutionary War that John Adams reportedly said, "Without the pen of the author of 'Common Sense', the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.”
Coetzee is known to be reclusive, and he __________ publicity to such an extent that he did not collect either of his two Booker Prizes in person.
Even though Magellan would eventually die on his ambitious cruise around the world, nothing was ______ on the morning of his departure from his home port.
Since the invention of computers, chips and processors have become smaller and simpler, but computer programs have become increasingly _________.
The increasing ease with which photos can be shot, edited and shared means that our archaic idea of the “struggling art photographer” now has to be ______ to include an audience which, in an earlier era, might have been consumers of art photography.
When Jeff fell prey to an on-line credit card scam, the sting of ________ hurt him more than the loss of money.
In order to stop the uproar on social media that was ______ by the politician's unpopular comment, his press agent had to issue a public apology.
When the policeman ordered the suspects to line up, his ________ tone and manner suggested that he was totally in charge of the situation.
The air steward's _______ towards the plight of the passengers was evident when instead of attending to their needs, he was relaxing on a chair and reading a magazine.
In her candid memoirs, the chief secretary to the President ________ several details about the scandal which the public was not aware of.
Even a century after its discovery, Quantum theory remains a/an __________ subject and only a few have managed to really understand it.
Neuroscience and artificial intelligence are _________ fields that promise immense opportunities for teaching and employment for today's graduates.
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