More Than One Answer Correct is a type of question that appears in the Quantitative Reasoning section of the GRE general test. These are Multiple-choice Questions — and you Select One or More Answer Choices (SOMA).
The question may indicate the number of answer options that are correct or may ask you to mark all options that apply. In the second variant, you need to mark all the correct options and mark only the correct options. Else, you will not get credit for the question. In the second variant, only one of the answer options could be right.
In the GRE general test, Select One or More Answer choices questions can appear from any of the 20 odd math topics tested in the GRE quant section. It could be from algebra, numbers, integers, number line, rates, ratio, percents, fraction, mixtures, simple and compound interest, permutation combination, probability, geometry, coordinate geometry, and set theory. Wizako's GRE question bank for MTOA questions come from many of the topics. The topic from which the question in the questionbank appeared is mentioned alongside the question.
For which of the following events will the number of outcomes exceed 50?
Indicate all such events.
Compute painstakingly the number of outcomes for each of the 6 answer options and include those answer options in which the number of outcomes exceeds 50. Make sure that you do not include any event for which the answer is 50.
The area for which of the following will necessarily be more than 50 square units.
Indicate all such expressions
Compute the area of each of the six 2D shapes given and mark all those which have an area greater than 50 square units.
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